

发布时间: 2019-04-12 12:08:02 859 次浏览

尺寸:重约:37.07g直径约:4.5cm (寄售)


Size: Weight: 37.07 g diameter: 4.5 cm (consignment)
Since the foundry began to be superior to Eagle Ocean in terms of fineness and weight (37.215 grams, 90% fineness, 1885-1895 system specification, known as aggravated seating), it soon occupied the dominant position. It is also because its net weight is higher than the Eagle Ocean of Mexico (27g), there are many hiders and melters, so it can not be circulated. Therefore, in 1895, the weight was reduced from 27.215 grams to 27 grams (1895-1928 system specification, known as general weight sitting in the ocean). It is also because of its high quality and weight, late sunshine and even the Republic of China, Yunnan in southern China, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian coastal areas and most of the domestic businessmen gathered in general. Yuan sitting in the ocean ceased to be cast in 1928, and then recasted one yuan in 1931 with the head of the goddess of grain. Its design and weight (the weight of the 1931 system is reduced to 20 grams, the color remains unchanged) are quite different from the original sitting in the ocean. People still call it sitting in the ocean, but it has to be used at a discount price.