
清 珊瑚仕女摆件
发布时间: 2018-12-31 16:05:46 552 次浏览

作者 -- 尺寸 高23.7cm 创作年代 清 款识:“ 乾隆御制”四字二行篆书款 说明:珊瑚被誉为“海中奇葩”,又名“海石花”,其产于热带海洋,它是由无数珊瑚虫的遗骸集结而成,在海中天然长成,奇形怪状、美妙绝伦。《山海经·海中经》记载:“珊瑚,出海中,岁高二三尺,有枝无叶,形如小树”。无论是东方还是西方的文化,珊瑚历来被人所珍视。据《广东新语》所载:“珊瑚珠,带腕上,其人有福泽,则益红润。”珊瑚亦被认为是佛教七宝之一。此件作品取珊瑚自然之形态雕琢而成,两侍女面容姣好,身子妙曼,怀抱花瓶而立,瓶花绽放,凤凰立于一旁山石之上。配有染色牙座,雕海水翻卷之状,底心阴刻“ 乾隆御制”方章篆书款,并予以描金。

Author - 23.7cm in height, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Imperial System, four-character and two-line seal inscriptions show that coral is known as "a wonderful flower in the sea", also known as "sea stone flower", which is produced in tropical oceans. It is made up of the remains of numerous coral insects and grows naturally in the sea, with strange shapes and wonderful "Shanhai Jing Haizhong Jing" records: "Corals, in the sea, two or three feet old, with branches and leaves, like small trees. Corals have always been cherished in both Eastern and Western cultures. According to the Guangdong Xinyu, "Coral beads, with wrists, whose people are blessed, will be more ruddy." Coral is also considered one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. This work is carved from the natural form of coral. The two maids have beautiful faces and beautiful bodies. They stand with vases in their arms. The vases blossom and the Phoenix stands on a side rock. Equipped with stained teeth, carved seawater roll-over shape, the bottom of the engraved "Qianlong imperial system" seal inscriptions, and to be traced gold.