
清十八至十九世紀 翠玉夔龍紋獅鈕雙龍活環耳三足蓋爐
发布时间: 2018-08-19 19:38:00 427 次浏览

Round mouth, round neck, short round abdomen, two dragons with movable ring ears, three lions head animal feet. The belly of the furnace and the cover of the shallow carved double dragon play beads. The top button is the size of a carved lion playing ball. Jade green translucent, with deep green and light brown qin. This utensil sculpt double dragon play bead grain, for qing dynasty popular court grain to act the role of decoration, for the contemporaneous jade tripod in the rare design, common is furnace abdomen vulture ancient animal face grain or light element. The two - dragon ring ears, lion - shaped cover button and the same as this furnace. Jade was introduced to China in the Ming dynasty from myanmar, when it was not considered jade and was cheap. By the reign of qianlong in the 18th century, jade was gradually recognized and valued, and became a precious treasure and a symbol of status. According to the yunnan sea YuHengZhi records: "jade out of south Yangtze river, is apart from the state in two thousand, in the jade. In the yi people, each pile out the riverbank. Crude ore jackets, size such as pebbles, do not know which to have the beauty of jade and jade evil or not. For the guest to buy, to Dali, yunnan province, the back has a jade workshop. Solution of the jade, the ground flush." However, "in the kangyong dynasty, we have not yet dared to venture into the factory. By the early yuan of qianlong, the jade factory began to have han footprints." This device has been tested by the Hong Kong jade appraisal center and proved to be natural jade quality.