
清乾隆 宗喀巴
发布时间: 2018-08-26 16:18:00 482 次浏览

黄铜鎏金内地 汉藏宗喀巴降世时藏传佛教正处于一个衰败的年代。僧侣戒行不严,教风不正,思想混乱。宗喀巴大师以大智大勇肩负起了改革振兴佛教的历史使命,培养戒律严明、兼通显密教理的知识型的僧侣队伍方面做出了具有深远意义的贡献。此件造像头戴尖顶黄帽,双手作说法印,身着僧服,结跏趺坐式,造型生动,细部刻化写实性强,底部錾刻十字杵纹,是藏传佛教的精美遗珍。 作  者: 创作年代:清乾隆 尺  寸:高10.5cm

Tibetan Buddhism was in a declining era when the Han Tibetan Zongkaba came down in the brass and gold platinum inland. The monks are not strict in their precepts, incorrect in their teaching style and confused in their thinking. With great wisdom and courage, Master Zongkaba undertook the historic mission of reforming and revitalizing Buddhism, and made far-reaching contributions in cultivating a knowledgeable team of monks with strict discipline and full knowledge of esoteric doctrine. This statue, with a pointed yellow cap on its head, a fingerprint on its hands, a monk's clothes, a shabby sitting style, vivid in shape, realistic in detail, and cross-stitch pattern on its bottom, is an exquisite relic of Tibetan Buddhism. Author: Writing Age: Qing Qianlong Size: 10.5cm High