
清 翡翠狮钮印章
发布时间: 2019-01-18 14:45:00 511 次浏览

尺寸 1.1×1.1×2.3cm 创作年代 清 款识:“顾”楷书款 印文:“兰如” 说明:印章小若拇指,精巧怡人。翡翠为材,质地绝佳,翠色艳而清润。瑞狮为钮,回首环望,憨态可掬。印身正面一隅阴刻楷书“顾”字,底面印文篆书“兰如”。

The size of 1.1 *1.1 *2.3 cm is clear and clear. The seal of Gu's regular script: "Lan Ru" explains that the seal is small as thumb, delicate and pleasant. Jadeite is a material with excellent texture, brilliant and clear green color. Rishi is a button, looking back and looking around, naive. On the front corner of the seal, the character "Gu" in the Yin-engraved regular script and the seal book "Lanru" on the bottom are printed.