
清道光 青花缠枝莲纹碗
发布时间: 2019-06-12 21:13:00 491 次浏览

“大清道光年製”六字三行青花篆书款 直径14.5cm 本品器口微侈,弧腹,圈足。胎质细密,釉色莹洁。通腹绘饰缠枝莲纹,底部饰一周变形蕉叶纹。碗心双圈内绘一朵莲花,布局妥帖,错落雅致,纹饰优美,流畅自如。整器构图疏朗有序,青花发色纯雅,器型丰满规矩。底书“大清道光年製”六字三行青花篆书款,为较典型的道光年间官窑品种。 天津藏家旧藏。 《官样御瓷—故宫博物院藏清代制瓷官样与御窑瓷器》,紫禁城出版社,2007年,页291。

The six-character and three-line blue and white seal book with a diameter of 14.5 cm has a slightly luxurious mouth, an arc belly and a circle foot. The texture is fine and the glaze is bright and clean. The whole belly is decorated with twigs and lotuses, and the bottom is decorated with a circle of deformed banana leaves. A lotus flower is painted in the double circle of the bowl heart. It is well-laid out, elegant in disorder, graceful in decoration and smooth in flow. The composition of the whole device is clear and orderly, the blue and white hair is pure and elegant, and the model is full and regular. The six-character and three-line blue and white seal inscriptions on the base book "Daqing Daoguang Guangnian System" are typical types of official kilns in Daoguang period. Tianjin Tibetan Old Collection. "Official Imperial Porcelain - Imperial Palace Museum Collection of Qing Dynasty Porcelain Official Porcelain and Imperial Kiln Porcelain", Forbidden City Press, 2007, P. 291.